Oakton Kids Ministry
Adventure Kids
Our children's ministry is called "Adventure Kids". We have a desire to present kids with the Truth of His word and be by their side as they venture through their walk with Christ.
This is done with a knowledge of how important it is to partner up with parents and families. We'd love to meet you! Below you will find details.
Sunday 9am: Sunday School, Babies-Adults
Sunday 10am: Worship Service hour. Babies-Adults
Wednesdays 6:30pm: Groups. Babies-Adults. (Meal provided for kids-teens)
Will my child be checked-in?
Yes! Our check-in table is set up in the foyer. Your child will receive a sticker with their name, any allergies, and a unique number. You will receive a pickup tag with the same number on your child's sticker.
What if I'm a first time visitor?
You will be checked in as a guest, and you are free to give us your information so that we can reach out to you and your family!
Who are the volutneers?
Our volunteers range from middle school-adults. Everyone 18+ is required to get Safe Sanctuary certified. Those younger than 18 are trained quarterly and refreshed on procedures for kids ministry.
When can I volunteer?
Oakton Church's procedure: If you have been attending Oakton for 6 months, you are welcome to volunteer! We want to give you time to settle and discern. It could happen sooner with approval from our senior pastor.
Kingdom Cubs is for our toddlers, 3-5 years of age (or Preschool kids).
Loving and discipling kids as they begin to ask the fun, silly, or serious questions about who Jesus is. They sing, have story time + snack, an activity, and some free play.
Our K-5th grade ministry partners with Orange Curriculum 252 Kids to bring God's word through music, story-telling, and small groups (K-1, 2-3, 4-5). ​
Download the free ParentCue App for more resources and weekly Bible Story videos!
Descarga la aplicación gratis de ParentCue para más recursos y videos de las historias Bíblicas cada semana.
The Gospel Project at Home Family Experience makes it a bit easier to make time for family worship. Click the link, create a login, and enjoy!
Calli Kuhnert is our part-time Children's Director.