Simplified Board Structure

It is a streamlined model of leadership that seeks to increase mission and accountability as we strive to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Our current Administrative Board set-up relies on several committees to report to the Board and then the large group decides/approves of the item or activity, power goes back to committee and then sometimes follow-through is lost. Our Board wants the Pastor to accomplish the mission, yet he has no real power to do so.
The new projected structure will be more easily focused on the mission and vision of Oakton. This new smaller Board would have within it the leaders who are making the decisions and guidelines. They are vested with responsibility and can see the actions are followed-through. This Board DOES NOT manage the day-to-day operations or ministries of the church, but gives guidance in policies, procedures, boundaries, permission-giving, and processes.
Usually there are between 9-12 members on this simplified Board. This would eliminate the administrative committees (PPR, Trustees, Finance) and could eliminate some of the program teams. (I say "eliminate", but in essence these committees are now represented within this smaller Board. Make sense?)
Some of the strengths of this simplified Board style:
+Connects responsibility and authority with accountability
+Promotes church unity
+Functions on a high level of trust
+Decisions may be made very quickly
+Mission/Vision fulfillment are the driving force – not management (or maintenance)
+Goals and objectives of ministries can be adjusted as needed
+Removes bottlenecks in the decision-making process (multiple committees)
+Systems, procedures, and policies in place that are flexible and adaptable
+More people released and available for ministry
+Responsible to align church resources to the mission and vision
Changing to a single, accountable, leadership structure is more than reducing the number of people at the table; it is about changing the work and conversation at the table.
NOMINATIONS (This Administrative Team would still need to meet and would be separate from the Simplified Board): With this model, you are not looking to just fill leadership slots, yet you are discerning individuals who can drive the mission of the church.
DISCLAIMER: this article is not a blueprint of what our Oakton Board will look like, it's just an attempt to explain the Simplified Structure in generalities. Furthermore this has been written by Norma Crockett, Office Secretary, without any pastors approving it.